We had one final class this morning, and I headed to a session on the gnostic gospel of Judas. It was a fascinating look at early Christian history, and a reminder that the Christianity we know today is just one of many viewpoints circulating in the early church. Our instructor was a great presenter, and it was a perfect capstone to a busy week.
Afterward, we convened for the commencement ceremony, complete with diplomas, the IU fight song and "Hail to Old IU." Sadly, Jessica lost the Green Beanie award to an enthusiastic freshman we call Pantsuit Jan.
If I have one criticism of Mini University, it's that the program focuses so heavily on retirees -- which, to be fair, make up the vast majority of participants. So many of the classes focused on issues of aging, and we weren't always successful in weeding out those sessions in our own schedules. I'd love to see Mini University put some effort -- and some marketing dollars -- into reinvigorating this program with young professionals. I still had a wonderful time, but I hate being the only 20-something in the room. When I'm still showing up in 30 years, will I be the only person in the room?
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