Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Schedule Posted: Indy Parks & Rec

Indy Parks and Recreation has released its Fall Fun Guide, and it's a doozy: 55 pages of art classes, fitness activities, family events and more.

This season, class offerings are listed by park rather than topic, so it's easy to find a class close to home. At Broad Ripple Park, for example, you can learn ballroom dancing, make a basket or pottery piece, or explore fitness activities like fencing and belly-dancing.

Unfortunately, the new listing format has its downside. If you want to take a drawing class, for example, you have to read through every single park listing until you find the park where drawing is offered (the Garfield Park Arts Center). And, you have to comb the list carefully to find the quirky stuff, like the knot-tying workshop at Holliday Park in December.

Another quirky tidbit: You'll also find information about the Indiana Master Naturalist program, which focuses on the state's natural resources and trains adults to volunteer at parks, conservation districts and similar organizations. Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a Master Naturalist pin and a one-year subscription to the Indiana Master Naturalist newsletter. Who knew?

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